Sanomanetti lauantai 2006-10-21 Kuva "Naakat lentelevät levottomasti eräänä lokakuun aamuna". Kuva: Pertti Manninen. Kuva. Pääkirjoitus. Salaisuuksia. "Sota ja sotatilanne on niin poikkeuksellinen maan historiassa, että siinä tapahtuu kaikenlaista, mikä haluttaisiin painaa Unholaan. Nyt Lappeenrannan Huhtiniemestä löytynyt joukkohauta voi ehkä vahvistaa sen huhun, ...". Lue! "Vielä eräs tarina jäi myös mieleen. Ministeri Eljas Erkko lähti 'sukellusveneellä Ruotsiin karkuun pelättyään Neuvostoliiton miehittävän Suomen'. ..." Lue! Sanomanetti
maanantai 2006-10-16 Sanomanetti
maanantai 2006-10-09 |
December 11 2006 Glee
and grief as Pinochet dies Man who 'brought
Spanish inquisition to Chile' dies aged 91.
of Hamas critic killed Three children of senior
Palestinian intelligence officer shot by gunmen.
hits out at Baker report Report 'wrong medicine
for wrong diagnosis', says Iraqi president.
opium poppies will be sprayed · Calls
for herbicide use follow record harvest ·
Fears sensitive move will boost support for Taliban Sunday December 03 2006 Rumsfeld: US failing in Iraq A leaked memo shows that the former Defence Secretary thinks a major change in strategy is needed, focusing on a staged pull-out of troops. Old women become 'martyrs' A 70-year-old blew herself up in a Hamas attack. She may be just the first of many elderly recruits. The House of Death David Rose reports on the Mexico killings that led to a Washington cover-up going right to the top. Revealed: Litvinenko's Russian 'blackmail plot' · Poison victim 'had intelligence files' · FBI probe KGB agent over new claims Monday December 04 2006 Chávez wins by a landslide Hugo Chávez wins third six-year term as president of Venezuela, after trouncing his rival, Manuel Rosales. US ambassador to UN resigns John Bolton the latest hawk to go after Democrats take Congress. The land with riches underfoot Xan Rice visits the gem rush at Madagascar's sapphire mines. Annan: Iraq was safer under Saddam Kofi Annan says Iraq is now more dangerous than under Saddam, and the violence worse than civil war. Tuesday December 05 2006 Military seizes power in Fiji Fiji's military commander takes control after bloodless ousting of prime minister - the South Pacific nation's fourth coup in 20 years. Pakistan could drop Kashmir claim Musharraf calls on India to agree to self-government plan. Central bark New York dispatch: New Yorkers are even crazier about dogs than the British, writes Ed Pilkington. 30 killed in Baghdad attacks Gunmen shoot 15 Shia government workers dead and two car bombs in another area kill same number. Guardian/ Worldlatest Wednesday December 06 2006 Gates: 'We're not winning war' Rumsfeld successor stuns Congress with sharp change of tone over Iraq and warning that attack on Iran 'could be devastating for US'. Iran to hold Holocaust conference Gathering will consider whether deaths took place. Nasa wants manned moon base Extraterrestrial living site to be built within 20 years as first step to launching missions to Mars. Moscow frustrates Yard's poison death inquiry · British police denied right to question witnesses · Merkel and Chirac put pressure on Kremlin Guardian/ Worldlatest Thursday December 07 2006 Bush: 'Victory' still matters Leaders face the media over Iraq Study Group findings. Turkey 'to open port to Cyprus' Ankara tries to resolve EU dispute. Top EU official photographed nude Commission vice-president shown on beach with female chief of staff wearing only a baseball cap. Litvinenko buried as investigations widen The poisoned Russian former spy Alexander Litvinenko was buried today in London. Guardian/ Worldlatest Friday December 08 2006 Bush-Blair split on Iraq proposals President rejects study group's idea of talks with Iran and Syria. UN makes plea for Palestinian aid Half of population short of food. An 80-hour week for 5p an hour Bangladesh factories break pledges from big UK retailers EU row looms over Turkish plan to break deadlock Greek Cypriots dismiss limited opening of ports as Athens calls for tougher sanctions on membership. Guardian/ Worldlatest Guardian Unlimited Saturday December 09 2006 Troops investigated over shooting Military authorities investigate allegations that UK soldiers shot indiscriminately on Afghan bystanders following bombing. Rumsfeld: we'll succeed in Iraq Defence secretary rejects study group's proposals in his final message. Sri Lanka's new enemy: salt Practical Action is backing seed trials to help farmers hit hard by climate change. Commonwealth suspends Fiji after coup The Commonwealth has suspended Fiji's membership in protest at this week's military coup - the third time in 20 years. Palestinian PM vows never to recognise Israel Tony Blair plans final peace push but few believe he will succeed. Guardian/ Worldlatest Sunday December 10 2006 Fears of war in Horn of Africa Fierce fighting between Islamist militias and government forces in Somalia threatens to ignite region Outback cracks under the Big Dry Five years of drought leave Australian towns on the verge of economic ruin. What next for the war in Iraq? George Bush is likely to disappoint his critics by pouring in more troops. Backlash over return of looted art Jewish families are winning back paintings seized by Nazis but German museums are questioning their motives. Guardian/ Worldlatest Picture galleries 24 hours in pictures Hunger kills one child every 5 secs More picture galleries Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Nato summit. C'mon guys! More cartoons by Steve Bell Guardian Unlimited Picture galleries 24 hours in pictures Hunger kills one child every 5 secs More picture galleries Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Nato summit. C'mon guys! More cartoons by Steve Bell Guardian Unlimited |
TOIMITUS. Vastaava
päätoimittaja Pertti Manninen. ![]() Copyright 2006/572. Sivut: .2006-12-10, nettiin 2006-12-10, linkit 2006-12-10. |
Sanomanetti 2006-12-10 - Etusivu. 571. Kuva. Helsinki kasvaa rajusti pohjoiseen pitkin Mannerheimintietä. - "Vaikka juuri Finlandialla palkittu kirjailija Kjell Westö luonnehtii itseään ensimmäisen polven helsinkiläiseksi, hänen suhteensa kaupunkiin on intohimoinen.." Juha Salonen. Helsingin Sanomat. Sunnuntai 2006-12-10. - Paavo Lipposen hallituksen päätös irakilaisdiplomaattien ja heidän perheenjäsentensä (selvitettävänä) karkottamisesta Suomesta juuri ennen Irakin sotaa jätetty oikeuskanslerin tutkittavaksi. Petri Rissanen. Itsenäisyyspäivän aattona 2006. - Suomalainen sosialisointi Jyväskylässä. Kaavaryöstö etenee. Raportti. Itsenäisyyspäivän aattona 2002. - sunnuntai 10.12.2006 - kuva - kuvat - pertti manninen - Sanomanetti |